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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Aurukun woman awarded for work in community

QUEENSLAND Police Service’s youngest Police Liaison Officer (PLO) has received the top gong at the Aurukun Shire Council awards last month for her work with youth in the local community.

19-year-old PLO Chantelle Walmbeng was awarded Young Citizen of the Year, following her contributions to the remote Indigenous community and her role as a youth leader and mentor at PCYC Aurukun.

Aurukun PCYC Sergeant Melissa Gilbert said Chantelle was a deserving recipient and an inspiration to the local Aurukun community.

“Chantelle has been coming to PCYC Aurukun since she was a girl and it’s been a pleasure to see her dedication and commitment to the community flourish over the years,” she said.

“She plays a pivotal role in the PCYC’s Kang Kang youth leadership team and continually puts her community first by taking an active role within local events.”

Sgt Gilbert said Police Liaison Officers play an important role in their communities, maintaining a positive rapport between First Nations people and the Queensland Police Service.

“They advise and educate police officers on culture and cultural issues, reduce and prevent crime and help improve community knowledge of law and order issues and policing services,” she said.

“Since Chantelle became a PLO, she has taken her newfound responsibility in her stride and advocated to reduce domestic violence at the Say No to Domestic and Family Violence Conference in Cairns last month.

“Wik Mungkan is the first language of First Nations people in the Aurukun community, so Chantelle also assists with communicating with young people in Wik Mungkan and breaking down barriers.

“I commend her for being such a great role model for the youth of Aurukun and look forward to seeing her future achievements.”

Keep up with the latest news in Cairns and the Far North, and check out some of our top stories this week: Council farewells Max O’Halloran and Engineering a path for women.

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