ERGON Energy is closely monitoring the electricity network as floodwaters rise in parts of Far North Queensland.
The company is also purposely de-energising sections of the network for public safety where necessary.
Acting Chief Operating Officer Jeff Green said Ergon’s Tropical Cyclone Jasper Restoration Plan released on Friday would need to be revised in an evolving flood emergency where safety is the top priority.
“While our crews had safely reconnected 90 per cent of customers who lost power because of the cyclone by Saturday evening, widespread flooding has made it too dangerous to continue restoration work and our crews in the impacted areas are only responding to life-threatening emergencies where it’s safe for them to do so,” he said.
“If you are in the flood zone, please keep an eye on weather warnings, follow the advice of emergency services and be prepared for prolonged power outages because our crews will need to wait for floodwaters to recede before they can safely access the network to assess any damage and repair it.
“We have de-energised some feeder lines for public safety reasons and to reduce the risk of more significant flood damage that would take longer to repair.
“While this might be frustrating for some customers in the short-term, these precautionary measures are designed for the community’s safety and to fast-track the restoration effort in the wake of flooding.”
Electricity and water don’t mix, so Ergon Energy is urging customers to stay well away from flooded electrical equipment and fallen powerlines, which can be concealed in floodwaters.
While people are being warned to stay out of floodwaters, if boats are being used for emergency evacuations, stay well away from live overhead powerlines as clearances are reduced when the water is rising.
Any life-threatening faults, like fallen powerlines or shocks and tingles, should be reported to Ergon on 13 16 70.
“If your home is being inundated and the mains power is still connected, this is an emergency situation and you should call us immediately on 13 16 70 to arrange disconnection,” Mr Green said.
“Never touch wet electrical appliances, switchboards, or solar PV systems, which can continue producing electricity after the mains power has been disconnected.
“For those who can access our website, there are some lifesaving tips on how to stay safe in severe weather, including how to use a generator safely.”
Ergon will be working to restore network supply as soon as practically possible after floodwaters recede, however any homes or businesses that have been impacted by flooding will need to be inspected by a licenced electrician before they can be safely reconnected to the network.
Keep up with the latest news in Cairns and the Far North, and check out some of our top stories this week: Water supply improvements continue and Telstra expands assistance to keep people connected.